Could not set comm state.
Property is read-only.
Async thread failed.
There is an error in the proxy auto-configuration script, so the script cannot be run.
Bad option length.
bad registry parameter.
URL is malformed.
Unable to retrieve data.
Cannot connect.
Change post is not secure.
Client authorization certificate needed.
Client Authorization not set up.
Unable to connect to remote host.
Connection aborted.
Connection reset.
The operation is suspended until you dismiss an open dialog box.
The computer has been disconnected from the network.
Still executing last request.
Extended error.
The operation you attempted failed because it could not pass the security check.
Force entry.
FTP command failed.
Connection dropped.
A PASSIVE mode connection was attempted (that is, the original connect request specified INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE), but the server does not allow that mode.
FTP: transfer in progress.
Gopher: attribute not found.
Gopher: data error.
Gopher: end of data.
Gopher: incorrect locator type.
Gopher: invalid locator.
Gopher: not a file.
Gopher: not Gopher plus.
Gopher: protocol error.
Gopher: unknown locator.
Handle exists.
HTTP: header not found.
A cookie supplied by the server was not accepted.
You must confirm a server-supplied cookie before the download can proceed.
HTTP: downlevel server.
HTTP: Header already exists.
HTTP: invalid header.
HTTP: invalid query request.
HTTP: invalid server response.
HTTP: redirect failed.
You must confirm a protocol-level redirection before the download can proceed.
You must reattempt the operation again because a security zone check failed.
HTTPS to HTTP on redirect.
HTTPS to HTTP on redirect.
Incorrect format.
incorrect handle state.