LSI Controllers Sürücüler

Bu sayfada vendorName sürücülerinin bir listesini bulabilirsiniz. Belirli bir LSI Controllers sürücüsünü indirmek için aşağıdaki listeden seçmeniz yeterlidir. Web sitemiz Windows 10, 11, 7, 8 / 8.1, Vista ve Windows XP (64/32 Bit) gibi işletim sistemleri için sürücüler sağlar. Sizin için hangi sürücü türünün doğru olduğundan emin değilseniz, sisteminiz için otomatik olarak uygun bir sürücüyü seçecek özel bir yardımcı program indirmenizi öneririz. Yardımcı program, on milyondan fazla cihazı tanımlar ve kullanımı kolaydır. İndirmeye başlamak için lütfen burayı tıklayın.

Satıcı Sürücü Açıklaması İndir
LSI LSI “PRAID EP540e” İndir
LSI LSI 1020/1030 Ultra320 SCSI Adapter İndir
LSI LSI 1035 Ultra320 SCSI Adapter İndir
LSI LSI 2208 İndir
LSI LSI 22910, 21002 PCI SCSI Adapter; 53C896 İndir
LSI LSI 3108 MegaRAID İndir
LSI LSI 3ware 9500S SATA RAID Controller İndir
LSI LSI 3ware 9550SX/9590SE SATA RAID Controller İndir
LSI LSI 3ware 9650SE SATA RAID Controller İndir
LSI LSI 3ware 9690SA SAS/SATA RAID Controller İndir
LSI LSI 3ware 9750 RAID Controller İndir
LSI LSI 6Gbps SAS İndir
LSI LSI 8600SP PCI SCSI Adapter; 53C860 İndir
LSI LSI 875XS|D, 2280X PCI SCSI Adapter; 53C875, 53C876 İndir
LSI LSI 8951U, 8952U PCI SCSI Adapter; 53C895 İndir
LSI LSI 8953U PCI SCSI Adapter; 53C895A İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, 2Gb FC, models 40919 with 919 -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, 2Gb FC, models 44929, G2 with 929 -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, 2Gb FC, models 7102 with 919X -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, 2Gb FC, models 7202,7402 with 929X -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, 4Gb FC, models 7104,7204,7404 with 949E -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, 4Gb FC, models 7104,7204,7404 with 949X -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, FC 4000 series, Dual or Quad port (with 929) İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, FC 4000 series, Single port (with 919) İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, FC 7002 series, Dual or Quad port (with 929X) İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, FC 7002 series, Single port (with 919X) İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS 3000 series, 4-port with 1064 İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS 3000 series, 4-port with 1064E İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS 3000 series, 8-port with 1068 İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS 3000 series, 8-port with 1068E İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS RAID-on-Chip, 8-port with 1078 İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2004 Spitfire -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2008 Falcon -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2108 Liberator -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2108 Liberator ROC -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2108 Liberator ROC(E) -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2116 Meteor ROC -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2116 Meteor ROC(E) -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2208 Thunderbolt ROC -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2308 Mustang -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS2 2308 Mustang ROC -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS3 3004 Fury -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS3 3008 Fury -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, SAS3 3108 Invader ROC -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, Ultra320 SCSI 2000 series, (w/1020/1030) İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, Ultra320 SCSI 2000 series, (with 1020/1030) İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, Ultra320 SCSI RAID series, (w/1035) İndir
LSI LSI Adapter, Ultra320 SCSI RAID series, (with 1035) İndir
LSI LSI Antares İndir
LSI LSI ASRR_M3108 İndir
LSI LSI Atlas PCIe Switch Management Port İndir
LSI LSI Atlas PCIe Switch Management Port - Dismounted İndir
LSI LSI ATTO ExpressPCI UL4D SCSI Adapter İndir
LSI LSI ATTO ExpressPCI UL4S SCSI Adapter İndir
LSI LSI ATTO ExpressPCI UL5D LP SCSI Adapter İndir
LSI LSI ATTO ExpressPCI UL5D SCSI Adapter İndir
LSI LSI Avago 3108 MegaRAID İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Crusader - Dismounted İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Crusader - StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Harpoon - Dismounted İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Harpoon - StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Marlin - Dismounted İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Marlin - StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Marut - Dismounted İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Marut - StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Mercator - Dismounted İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Mercator - StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, SAS3 3004 Fury -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, SAS3 3008 Fury -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, SAS3 3108 Invader ROC -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, SAS3 Cutlass -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, SAS3 Intruder -StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Tomcat - Dismounted İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Tomcat - StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Ventura - Dismounted İndir
LSI LSI Avago Adapter, Ventura - StorPort İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 3008 İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 3008 ROMB İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9340-4i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9340-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9341-16i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9341-24i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9341-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9360-4i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9360-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9361-16i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9361-24i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9361-4i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9361-8iCC İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9362-4i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9362-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9364-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9380-4i4e İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9380-8e İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9380-8eCC İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS 9380-8i8e İndir
LSI LSI AVAGO MegaRAID SAS Adapter Ventura İndir
LSI LSI Avago MegaRAID SAS PCI Express ROMB İndir
LSI LSI Avago SAS 3008 iMR RoMB İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 3108 İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9361-24i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 936C-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9380-8i8e İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A60-4i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A60-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A61-4i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A61-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A61-8iCC İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A62-4i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A62-8i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A71-16i İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A80-4i4e İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A80-8e İndir
LSI LSI Avago SDS SAS 9A80-8eCC İndir
LSI LSI B7113-GT90 İndir
LSI LSI Compal3008iMR.DeviceDesc İndir
LSI LSI CYP 12-Port Switch İndir
LSI LSI Dawicontrol DC-2975U/2976UW SCSI Hostadapter İndir
LSI LSI DC-29160 U3W SCSI Hostadapter İndir
LSI LSI DC-2975U SCSI Hostadapter İndir
LSI LSI DC-2976UW SCSI Hostadapter İndir
LSI LSI DC-2980 U2W SCSI Hostadapter İndir
LSI LSI DevDesc1 İndir
LSI LSI DevDesc2 İndir
LSI LSI DevDesc3 İndir
LSI LSI DevDesc4 İndir
LSI LSI DevDesc5 İndir
LSI LSI DevDesc6 İndir
LSI LSI DevDesc7 İndir
LSI LSI DevDesc8 İndir
LSI LSI eHBA 9600-16e Tri-Mode Storage Adapter İndir
LSI LSI eHBA 9600-16i Tri-Mode Storage Adapter İndir
LSI LSI eHBA 9600-24i Tri-Mode Storage Adapter İndir
LSI LSI eHBA 9600-8i8e Tri-Mode Storage Adapter İndir
LSI LSI eHBA 9600W-16e Tri-Mode Storage Adapter İndir
LSI LSI eHBA 9600W-16i Tri-Mode Storage Adapter İndir
LSI LSI eHBA 9680W-16e Tri-Mode Storage Adapter İndir
LSI LSI EP2C602D16-2T/M2208 İndir
LSI LSI FC909 Fibre Channel Adapter İndir
LSI LSI FC919 Fibre Channel Adapter İndir
LSI LSI FC919X Fibre Channel Adapter İndir
LSI LSI FC929 Fibre Channel Adapter İndir
LSI LSI FC929X Fibre Channel Adapter İndir
LSI LSI fscnternal.DeviceDesc İndir
LSI LSI GBT3816-iMR İndir
LSI LSI GBT3908-MR-240PD İndir
LSI LSI GBT3908-MR-32PD İndir
LSI LSI GBT3916-MR-240PD İndir
LSI LSI GBT3916-MR-32PD İndir
LSI LSI HBA 465e Adapter İndir

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