Intel Giriş cihazları Sürücüler

Bu sayfada vendorName sürücülerinin bir listesini bulabilirsiniz. Belirli bir Intel Giriş cihazları sürücüsünü indirmek için aşağıdaki listeden seçmeniz yeterlidir. Web sitemiz Windows 10, 11, 7, 8 / 8.1, Vista ve Windows XP (64/32 Bit) gibi işletim sistemleri için sürücüler sağlar. Sizin için hangi sürücü türünün doğru olduğundan emin değilseniz, sisteminiz için otomatik olarak uygun bir sürücüyü seçecek özel bir yardımcı program indirmenizi öneririz. Yardımcı program, on milyondan fazla cihazı tanımlar ve kullanımı kolaydır. İndirmeye başlamak için lütfen burayı tıklayın.

Satıcı Sürücü Açıklaması İndir
Intel Intel 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family Management Engine Interface - A13E İndir
Intel Intel 5G Solution 5000 GNSS Sensor İndir
Intel Intel Accelerometer Sensor İndir
Intel Intel ACPI Accelerometer İndir
Intel Intel ACPI-to-HID Mapper İndir
Intel Intel Active Management Technology - SOL İndir
Intel Intel Atom /Celeron(R)/Pentium(R) Processor UART Host Controller İndir
Intel Intel Atom processor C3000 product family HSUART - 19D8 İndir
Intel Intel Atom Processor S1200 Series UART - 0C5F İndir
Intel Intel Atom Processor Z2760 Security Engine İndir
Intel Intel Atom Processor Z2760 Serial UART 16550 Controller İndir
Intel Intel Battery Management İndir
Intel Intel Chromebook Cypress v3 SMBus Touchpad İndir
Intel Intel Education Platform Accelerometer Sensor İndir
Intel Intel Education Platform Thermal Probe İndir
Intel Intel GNSS Sensor İndir
Intel Intel HID Event Filter İndir
Intel Intel Interface HS-UART İndir
Intel Intel IPML ACPI İndir
Intel Intel ISS HID İndir
Intel Intel Mobil İndir
Intel Intel Mobil Artemis İndir
Intel Intel Mobil AT Commands İndir
Intel Intel Mobil AT Commands 1 İndir
Intel Intel Mobil AT Commands 2 İndir
Intel Intel Mobil GTI/IPICOM İndir
Intel Intel Mobil MA Trace İndir
Intel Intel Mobil OCT Trace İndir
Intel Intel Mobile İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (acm1) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (acm2) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (acm3) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (acm4) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (acm5) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (acm6) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (acm7) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (core1) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile (core2) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile Artemis İndir
Intel Intel Mobile AT Commands İndir
Intel Intel Mobile AT Commands 1 İndir
Intel Intel Mobile AT Commands 2 İndir
Intel Intel Mobile GTI/IPICOM İndir
Intel Intel Mobile MA Trace İndir
Intel Intel Mobile OCT Trace İndir
Intel Intel Mobile Port (acm1) İndir
Intel Intel Mobile Port (acm2) İndir
Intel Intel Pentium(R) processor N- and J-series / Intel(R) Celeron(R) processor N- and J-series Serial IO (SIO) - HSUART Port 1 - 0F0A İndir
Intel Intel Pentium(R) processor N- and J-series / Intel(R) Celeron(R) processor N- and J-series Serial IO (SIO) - HSUART Port 2 - 0F0C İndir
Intel Intel Platform Controller Hub EG20T SDIO Controller #1 - 8809 İndir
Intel Intel Platform Controller Hub EG20T SDIO Controller #2 - 880a İndir
Intel Intel Platform Controller Hub EG20T UART Controller - 8811 İndir
Intel Intel Platform Controller Hub EG20T UART Controller - 8812 İndir
Intel Intel Platform Controller Hub EG20T UART Controller - 8813 İndir
Intel Intel Platform Controller Hub EG20T UART Controller - 8814 İndir
Intel Intel Power Management IC İndir
Intel Intel Precise Touch İndir
Intel Intel Precise Touch and Stylus (Intel(R) PTS) - Base Driver - Port #1 İndir
Intel Intel Precise Touch and Stylus (Intel(R) PTS) - Base Driver - Port #2 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 51D0 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 51D1 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 54D0 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 54D1 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 7A50 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 7A51 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 7A58 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 7A59 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 7E49 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 7E4B İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 7F59 İndir
Intel Intel Quick SPI Host Controller - 7F5B İndir
Intel Intel Sensor Collection İndir
Intel Intel Sensor Fusion İndir
Intel Intel Sensor Solution İndir
Intel Intel Sensor Solution - 33D1 İndir
Intel Intel Serial IO Multi-touch Miniport İndir
Intel Intel Serial IO UART Host Controller - 5ABC İndir
Intel Intel Serial IO UART Host Controller - 5ABE İndir
Intel Intel Serial IO UART Host Controller - 5AC0 İndir
Intel Intel Serial IO UART Host Controller - 5AEE İndir
Intel Intel SM35 Express Chipset SD Ctrl 0 - 0807 İndir
Intel Intel SM35 Express Chipset SD Ctrl 1 - 0808 İndir
Intel Intel SM35 Express Chipset SD Ctrl 2 - 0812 İndir
Intel Intel Surface1832DigitizerIntegration İndir
Intel Intel Tablet Sensor İndir
Intel Intel ThermalProbe İndir
Intel Intel Trusted Platform Module İndir
Intel Intel UART Communications Port #1 İndir
Intel Intel UART Communications Port #2 İndir
Intel Intel UART Controller İndir
Intel Intel Wacom İndir
Intel Intel Wireless Bluetooth(R) AVRCP Target İndir

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