Bluetooth Bluetooth cihazları Sürücüler

Bu sayfada vendorName sürücülerinin bir listesini bulabilirsiniz. Belirli bir Bluetooth Bluetooth cihazları sürücüsünü indirmek için aşağıdaki listeden seçmeniz yeterlidir. Web sitemiz Windows 10, 11, 7, 8 / 8.1, Vista ve Windows XP (64/32 Bit) gibi işletim sistemleri için sürücüler sağlar. Sizin için hangi sürücü türünün doğru olduğundan emin değilseniz, sisteminiz için otomatik olarak uygun bir sürücüyü seçecek özel bir yardımcı program indirmenizi öneririz. Yardımcı program, on milyondan fazla cihazı tanımlar ve kullanımı kolaydır. İndirmeye başlamak için lütfen burayı tıklayın.

Satıcı Sürücü Açıklaması İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth 2.0+EDR Model 3.2 from Realtek Semiconductor(c) İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth 2.1 Module with trace filter İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth 5.0 USB Adapter İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth 5.0 USB Apater İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Audio Bus İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Audio Video Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth AVDT İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth BPP Basic İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth BPP Direct İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth BPP Reference İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth BPP Reference Object İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth BPP Status İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth by hp in DFU - CSR İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth COM One Device with trace filter İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Common ISDN Access Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Cordless Telephony Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Current Time Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Devices İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Direct Printing Reference Objects Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Druckunterstutzung İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Enumerator Filter İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Extensibility Miniport İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Fine Me Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth FTP İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Generic Access Profile İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Generic Attribute Profile İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Generic Audio Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Generic File Transfer Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Generic Networking İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Generic Telephony İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Generic Telephony Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth GN İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth GN service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Hands-free (HCI Bypass) İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Hands-free AG (HCI Bypass) İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth HCRP Server İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Headset AG (HCI Bypass) İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Headset Profile İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Health Device Profile İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Health Device Sink İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Health Device Source İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth HFP Sco İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth HID Emulator İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth HID Enum İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Imaging Auto Archive İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Imaging Automatic Archive Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Imaging Reference Objects İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Imaging Reference Objects Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Imaging Responder İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Imaging Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Intercom İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Intercom Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth IrMC Sync CommandService İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth L2CAP Interface İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth LAN Access over PPP İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth LE İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth LE Auto Connection Establishment Procedure İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth LE Broadcast Isochronous Streams İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth LE Connected Isochronous Streams İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth LE Extended Advertisement İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Loosely-Coupled Pen İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth LWFLT İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Message Access İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Message Access Profile İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Message Access Profile Server İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Message Notification Profile Server İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Microsoft HCI Extensions Telemetry İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Module Kalanchak İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth MTP Device Enumerator İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth MTP Responder Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Multiport Module by Compaq İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth NAP service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Network Aceess İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Networking (Generic) İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth PANU service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Personal Area Network User (PANU) İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Phone Book Access İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Phone book Access Pce Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Phone Boook Access İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Phonebook Acess İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Phonebook Acess PSE İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Printing Support İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Profile Interface İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Proximity Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Reference Printing Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Reflected UI Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth RFBNEP İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth RFBUS İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth RFCOMM İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth RFCOMM from TOSHIBA İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth RFHID İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth SIM Access İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Sim Access Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth SyncML İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth SyncML Client İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth SyncML Server İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth toshiba1 İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth toshiba2 İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth tosho3000 İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth tosho3002 İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Transmit Power Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth UDIMT Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth UDITA Service İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Ultraport Firmware Upgrade İndir
Bluetooth Bluetooth Ultraport Module from IBM İndir

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