Unrecognized scheme.
Not a valid or supported command.
Cannot coerce type.
Would block.
Access denied.
Ambiguous recipient.
One or more recipient addresses are invalid. Make sure the addresses for the RecipAddress property are valid.
Attachment not found.
The specified attachment wasn't found, and mail wasn't sent.
Failure on opening attachment.
The attachment couldn't be located. Mail wasn't sent. Verify that the AttachmentPathName property is valid.
Failure attempting to write an attachment.
An attachment could not be written to a temporary file. Check directory permissions.
Invalid recipient type.
The type of recipient was incorrect. Valid type values are 1 (primary recipient), 2 (copy recipient), and 3 (blind copy recipient).
Cannot perform action, no messages in list
Disk is full.
The disk is full. The current action could not create a disk file.
Unspecified failure has occurred.
An unspecified error occurred during the current action. For example, the action was unable to delete or address mail correctly.
This is an unspecified error.
General Failure.
Insufficient memory.
There is insufficient memory to proceed with the current action.
Property is read only when not using Compose Buffer. Set MsgIndex = 1
Action not valid for Compose Buffer
The attempted action is not valid in the Compose Buffer (MsgIndex set to 1)
Invalid editfields.
The value of the AddressEditFieldCount property is invalid. Valid values are from 0 to 4.
Invalid message.
An invalid message ID was used. The current action was not completed.
Action only valid for Compose Buffer. Set MsgIndex = 1
No originator in the Compose Buffer.
You cannot see message originator information while in the Compose Buffer (MsgIndex set to 1).
Invalid Recipients.
One or more recipient addresses are invalid. Make sure the addresses for the RecipAddress property are valid.
Invalid session.
An invalid session ID was used. To associate the MAPI messages control with a valid messaging session, set the SessionID property to the MAPI session control's SessionID.
Login has failed.
There was no default logon, and the user failed to log on correctly.
Message in use.
Network failure.
Cannot perform action, no attachments
No messages.
Unable to find the next message.
Cannot perform action, no recipients
MAPI Failure: valid session ID does not exist.
The MAPI messages control does not have a valid session handle from the MAPI session control.
Not supported.
The current action is not supported by the underlying mail system.