Activex Errors

Error 3202

No picture assigned.

Error 7

Out of memory.

Error 3201

Rows property must be greater than zero.

Error 3200

Unable to select bitmap object.

Error 383

Property can't be set on this control. Property is read-only.

Error 3201

StretchX property cannot be negative.

Error 3202

StretchY property cannot be negative.

Error 3200

Unable to load specified file.

Error 676

Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.

Error 672

DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.

Error 673

Expected at least one argument.

Error 674

Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.

Error 394

Property is write-only.

Error 3200

Invalid character position.

Error 3200

Invalid or missing OLE class name.

Error 321

Invalid file format.

Error 3200

Invalid HDC.

Error 3200

Invalid or missing key name.

Error 3201

Invalid object.

Error 425

Invalid object use.

Error 5

Invalid procedure call.

Error 381

Invalid property array index.

Error 380

Invalid property value.

Error 3200

Key does not exist.

Error 3200

Key is not unique in collection.

Error 3201

Unable to create object.

Error 3201

Unable to start server application.

Error 3200

Required source document or class name is missing.

Error 7

Out of memory.

Error 75

The specified path/file name cannot be accessed or is invalid.

Error 3201

The operation cannot be performed on protected text.

Error 387

Property cannot be set.

Error 383

Property is read-only.

Error 461

Specified format doesn't match format of data.


AutoBuddy not set, no potential buddy controls found.


Bad file name or number.


BuddyControl must be a separate control within the same container.


Stop method does not effect AutoPlay property.


Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.


DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.


A date was specified that doesn't fall within the MinDate and MaxData properties.


An error occurred in a call to the Windows DTPicker control.


Error closing open video file.


Unable to set property.


Unable to open AVI file.


Unable to play AVI file.


Error trying to stop playing video file.


Expected at least one argument.


File not found.


Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.